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Monday, March 8, 2010

Blueberry-Velvet Layered Cake

Blueberry and velvet cake. Finished with Vanilla Buttercream toppings.
Made for my mum's potluck.


ijan said...

ish ni kek ape plak ni??
mcm2 la idea ko kak..

SugarChocs said...


Top & Bottom: Blueberry Cakes
Middle : Red velvet Cake.

Try mix and our fashion...

Yet the decoration messed here and there kan...

SugarChocs said...
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Ijan said...

Decoration nampak ok je..aku pun tak perasan memula ko lukis tangan..bila diamati, hmmm mmg hand ok la..practice makes perfect,kak!.. Aku minat tgk cerita Cake Boss kat Astro channel 707..cantik dia buat..

SugarChocs said...

Hand drawn la dear.....trying to be superstar la konon ni...anyway, it was my first try ever....will improvise myself..hehe
FYI, Astro Channel 703 & 707 is my tele-book..Learn a lot from there..motivated jadi nya.. ;p

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